Helping others create bee-friendly gardens gives me great pleasure and satisfaction. The inspiration for this business was sparked when I started backyard beekeeping a few years ago. Back then, I did not envisage the flow-on benefits to my garden nor my neighbour’s passionfruit vine. In the following months, I had a bounty of pumpkins, zucchini and citrus fruit – and a plethora of passionfruit hanging over my fence.Colourful gardens with an array of different flowering plants all year round are joyful places that feed our “emotional core” as well as providing habitats and food for all pollinators.
For more than 20 years I worked in the media, living a disconnected life away from nature as I raced to make deadlines. I was feeding the news cycle, but it did little to nourish my soul. So I sought a change. I started a flock of backyard chickens, enrolled in some garden and horticulture courses at CERES and Edendale Farm in Melbourne, and then started beekeeping. Now I am a horticulturally-trained gardener (Certificate IV Horticulture, Melbourne Polytechnic) and a member of Landscaping Victoria Master Landscapers. Although I am still living in the 'Burbs, I feel more connected to nature and my community. I hope my skills can bring life to your garden and deliver the natural haven you're seeking.